Children and Emotion: Development of Psychological Understanding
Paul L. Harris
- RRP: £40.50
- Home Delivery Price: £35.99
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12 books
Paul L. Harris
J. Miller & Lisa Miller
This title is specifically recommended by the course tutors.
Susan Reid
This title is specifically recommended by the course tutors.
Andrew Briggs
This title is specifically recommended by the course tutors.
Tom Main & Jennifer Johns
Peter Hobson
This title is currently unavailable and the publishers are considering a reprint. You may be able to find a second hand copy or contact us so we can let you know when it becomes available again.
T. Berry Brazelton, Bertrand Cramer
This book is being reprinted by the publishers and is currently unavailable. You may find a second hand copy somewhere or contact us to be told when it comes back into print.
Rozsika Parker
This title may take a little longer to obtain as the publisher prints copies individually to fulfil orders.
Kenneth Wright