
Book Details

Next Steps in Counselling Practice : A Students' Companion for Certifi

Next Steps in Counselling Practice : A Students' Companion for Certifi

  • Author: Pete Sanders, Alan Frankland, Paul Wilkins
  • ISBN: 9781898059660
  • Publisher: PCCS Books
  • Published:
RRP: £26.00
Home Delivery Price: £21.99

This 360 page book is a complete revision of the best-selling first edition, aligning it with contemporary developments in counselling and associated new training initiatives. The six sections of the book focus on the practice of core counselling and professional skills, with vignettes, activities, notes from practice, full references, suggestions for further reading and a running glossary. The readership for the book will include: intermediate and professional level counselling students; certificate in counselling students; HE Diploma and degree-level counselling students; counselling modules in degree courses in psychology, social work, speech therapy, nursing; and, complimentary therapy courses involving face to face relationship-based work.
