
Book Details

...Between Therapist & Client: The New Relationship

...Between Therapist & Client: The New Relationship

  • Author: Michael Kahn
  • ISBN: 9780805071009
  • Publisher: Bertrams
  • Published: Sep 1997
RRP: £17.99
Home Delivery Price: £17.50

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In "Between Therapist and Client, " Michael Kahn explores what is perhaps the most important aspect of therapy - the therapist-client relatonship. As he traces the history of the clinical relationship from Freud to the present, Kahn shows how the enmity between the humanists and the psychoanalyts limited their therapeutic effectiveness - and how their recent reconciliation has opened up exciting new possibilities for the way therapists relate to clients, pointing to a promising new period in the history of psychotherapy.  

Applies to the following course/s:
L4 Diploma at Cambridgeshire Counselling Training